Friday, October 31, 2008

7. Questions for 6. Due Friday Nov. 6

Step 1- Read all the comments from the previous assignment.

Step 2- Choose one comment which is thoughtful.

Step 3-

First, paraphrase the comment you are responding to: For example: “Mr. Bello thinks that…”

Then, write a question about the chosen comment. The question must be: clear, sincere, useful and be the sort of question which leads to more questions. The question you write must complicate the comment’s argument, make the reader of the comment you are questioning think deeper. Stir up some intellectual trouble


Shamala Nelson said...

Ms.Portnoy states that the the European's god was gold and the Natives god was the creator of all men and they had different believes and gods and that is another reason why they didnt get along. My question to Ms.portnoy is that if you had to chose to either be native because of their respect for a living god or a European because they would do anything for gold, including killing, which would you be and why?(keep in mind, Gold/money doesn't make everyone happy)

Nicholas Maddaloni said...

Zhiming said: tht the Native Americans and Europeans did not share the land because the Europeans did not like the Native Americans religions. My question for Zhiming is what proof do you have that the Native Ameericans had a religion? and if the Native Americans had a religion, how many God's did they worship?

ChunoahSebro said...
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Anonymous said...

This is to Chunoah: You said that the europeans wanted more land, and couldn't get it without asking the natives, Then I have a question for you.What are the advantages Europeans had over the Natives to gain this land from the NAtives?

Filip Bendersky said...


Zhiming said...

My question is to Mr Jones. If the Europeans didn't want to share land why didnt they start a war. They had an advantage to win.

Hassnan Safdar said...

Zhiming said that the Europeans didn't share the land with the Natives because they didn't like the Natives religion. My question to Zhiming is how do you know that the natives have a religion. If they do what"s their religion. This is my question for Zhiming.

Ilona Portnoy said...

Ms. Liang says that the Europeans took the Native Americans equipment and thats why they conquered them. Also she said they wanted to own their own land have their own food, animals and plants.
So my quetion to Ms. Liang is how, when and why did they take the Native Americans aquipment and is that really one of the reasons they won?

Ilona Portnoy said...

Ms. Liang says that the Europeans took the Native Americans equipment and thats why they conquered them. Also she said they wanted to own their own land have their own food, animals and plants.
So my quetion to Ms. Liang is how, when and why did they take the Native Americans aquipment and is that really one of the reasons they won?

Anastasiya Biloblotska said...

Shaka Browne said that the Native America’s and Europeans didn't share each others lands. But there were only the land(s) that the Native American’s had which we are talking about. By this phrase; Natives and Europeans didn't share each others lands what are you trying to refer to. Is it that the Europeans though it was there lands. Because maybe they though god loves them more and the natives are the gods present the European’s only need to came up with ways to use the natives and there lands. This was my first question.
Shake Browne also said The Europeans wanted the native Americans land because they belived that it was healthy and rich. My second question how did Europeans think the land was healthy and rich because there can be many different definitions for these words.
Shaka Browne also written; if the Europeans weren't too greedy I think that the Native Americans would have given the lands. My question is do you have textual evidents or phrase to proof that the Native Americans would have actually given the things and lands. Because I for instants have a different opinion I would say that Native American’s wouldn’t give there land under any conditions. Because it’s there lands and there hard work put in to the lands but still Europeans would take the lands no matter what. But still I agree on a lot of the facts that Shaka has written in his response.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Sebro says that:
**The natives and europeans didn't share lands because the europeans wanted more land and could not get that without asking the natives.Even if the europeans said no they would take their land by force. So this proves that the european had more advantages than the natives.**

My question is that when you said " So this proves that the european had more advantages than the natives" what did you mean by advantages? Explain the advantages.

Catherine Liang said...

To Raymond

Do you think that the European are really greedy that they want almost everything?

Muhammad Furqan said...

to hassnan safdar: Do you think that the things you listed were the only things that the europeans wanted?

Lenny_Khamidov said...
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Lenny_Khamidov said...

Zhi Ming: said that Europeans wouldnt share land with Natives because of Natives religeon. But how do you know if Natives had a religeon, if you do what is it?
Do you think they didnt share land because of something else, may be Native are bad people?

ChunoahSebro said...

Mr. Maddaloni, mentioned about Adam and Eve and the forbidden fruit. The fact of matter is from the begining of time man was and will always be envious of what others have, and in life the more money you make the bigger your head get and them you begin to step on other people toes in order to show your power. Native American and European all ways wanted the same things in life which is power and authority over each other when it comes to power the more you have the more you want to achieve and with greed it is sometime hard to control and the European were very greedy.

YaseminEfeturk said...

Zhiming said that The Native Americans and Europeans did not share the land because the Europeans did not like the Native American religions.

What kind of religions were there among the Native Americans?