Monday, December 1, 2008

9. Questions for the letters Due Fri. Dec 6th

For this week's question cycle you may read letters from any of the blogs. Be sure to include the class along with the name of the author you are questioning. Ask tough questions of the letters, they're going to the President and they are about your financial future therefor they have to be sharp.


Allan Randall said...

To Victor: Why did you think that he would spend more money on cars? During World War II we bought savings bonds to help fight the war. We need to have savings bonds for the economy. So why would we spend it on the Green things to help the planet when we could spend on savings bonds to help the economy? Though Victor, I am not disagreeing with you. I'm just saying that we need the money for the economy right now.

Hassnan Safdar said...

To Rubiyath chy from class 702,

Why do you blieve that we should print less money because that will help people save money and spend less. My question to Mr. Chy is if they starting printing less money and the prices went up how will people be able to buy stuff such as food water and houses if thier is less money and the prices going up. This is my question to Rubiyath.

Lenny_Khamidov said...

We have the most comments then any other class thats bad cause we r ciber.just saying.

Lenny_Khamidov said...

jonathan_suris from 724 said that Obama said each new person to get hired for a job gets 3000$ credit, my question is how do you know maybe he just said that so people will pick him.

ChristieFrage said...

To Hassan: Why do you think making Hybrid and electric powered cars could help the economy? Second, in your letter it states two ways to help the environment, not really that helpful for our economy in its state at this very moment. The third proposal will help a lot it will take a lot of loans from the government huge sac of loans. This is a good letter and is very thoughtful.

Allan Randall said...

To Jason: I want you to know that we need spend savings bonds. I mean that in Woirld War 2 we needed help and we got savings bonds. So we can help by doing this

victor hernandez said...

To Ciera Corley from class 702

How do you think the businesses are going to react when they have to pay for higher taxes it wouldn’t be fair to them because they would have to pay more tax and poor businesses have to pay less tax. Then the richer businesses would rebel and it may lead to them losing there jobs and then they lose in which the economy loses money. So this would be a harmful idea to the economy and people who work in rich businesses

Anonymous said...

My question is to Rubiyath Chy:702

Rubiyath Chy wrote the following that stuck me on this letter:
< I extremely believe printing less money, will help people save money and spend less. When we do print less money, I know the cost and demand of everything goes up. This is great because a $200,000 dollar house might be one million dollars, which means this way 10% out of 100% percent of Americans will risk buying that house. >
Okay, as far as can understand truly, Rubiyath is stating that printing less money would help people spend less. To start off, why would you want the people to spend less, when they shouldn't be spending very less because, of the economic crises or to keep the businesses moving? Also you are considering about people scarcely buying houses. Well if people don't purchase houses, the house retail businesses can go down. And if the businesses go down then they will have to cut down on the pay. And if the pay is cut the workers cannot make purchases, and this will keep going until nothing is left. Using that idea will NOT be a good idea Mr./Ms. Chy.

lejlaneziri said...

my question is for Allan Randall: Why are you talking about the past if this is the future? Right now we the people are going through hard economic times, we should be worrying about what will happen next, not what had already happened.
yours truly, Lejla Neziri <333

Nicholas Maddaloni said...

Muhammud, while I agree that taxes are a serious issue, wouldn't you agree that we should spread out the taxes evenly based strictly on thier income?

Filip Bendersky said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Filip Bendersky said...

To Ian : You talked about the stock markets going down. And war in Iraq. You said that you believe that Barrack Obama should only make hybrid cars. To save power and the wild. Why do you believe that we should only make hybrid cars. Don’t you believe that we can save the wild and power by using less fuel . And you also said that you agree with Barrack Obama taking out solders from Iraq. Why do you believe this do you not want us to win the war. So many brave solders men and women risked there lives and died for our country. Leaving there families to protect us and our country. Do you not believe we should win already after all we risked the trillion dollars we spent on them. That’s not wright I understand that you and our new president Barrack Obama mean well but I think we deserve to win the war. You also talked about how we should form allies with other country's. How do you know for sure that we can trust them. On the other hand your write because we should make friends with the other country's. So my question to you is do you believe or trust that we should make alliances.

Catherine Liang said...

to lejla;

While i was reading your letter, i've been wondering. What kind of right people can be working with Obama to help the economy?

Catherine Liang said...

Also, do you think Obama can make the economy better?

Anastasiya Biloblotska said...

Name; Deniss Sivohins
Class; 702

Dear Deniss Sivohins,

The ideas which you gave to this huge problem that we having in the economics are wonderful. But I have something to say about one of your ideas. It is idea number two about the Car Industries. Making cars work on an other substance is a great idea. But it is not a great idea to work on this whole the financial crisis. But it is a great idea for the future after the emergining financial crisis.

Imagine this plan it will need a lot of money. The scientists will need money for laboratories,
tools, and for tests to discover the super-substance. Then the car companies will need money to
Buy the new super-substance. This chain goes on and on who needs the money to make this
new discover came to reality. The price of this is about 4.2 million and that’s just a small part of the of it all. Think about how much money we are spending. The government does not have that
type money to spare. And even if the government found that money and gave it to the people
who are taking one of the roles in creating the super-substance.

Then imagine how the story goes on if the test failed the government is in debt and now it needs to now pay off all of this money but with what failed of no succeed work. If that happens we will be a bankrupt. That’s why we need first solve the problems involving crisis first and found more other kinds of ideas which are not under a risk and not standing under a question mark. This great idea but it is better for the future as I said before. My question to Deniss Sivohins is why do you think we should think about making cars work on an other substance. Imagine for instead we will spend a lot of money on creating this substance and if we fail during this crisis we are at a 50% out 100% at risk to get
bankrupted .There very little percent that we could succeed that’s why I wouldn’t try this idea during this period of time because I believe in my country that it could survive and get thought tough moment And I don’t want to let my country down.

Name; Ramsha Rana
Class; 703

Dear Ramsha Rana,

I have read your ideas and I see that they are given thought. But you wrote that taxes should go down. Especially, provide a tax cut for working families. That is a great idea that I am for also. But if the taxes will be cut then from what will government earn money from. When more and more taxes will be cut it will be harder for the government to pay of the debts because of the little taxes coming in. Also, if you heard about the estate tax the tax is called the death tax. It’s for a good reason: It strikes when families are dealing with the loss of a loved one. Though everyone have called this a "Paris Hilton" tax, in reality the death tax harms owners of small and medium-size businesses, often women and minorities, farmers who poured their savings into their farms, and workers who lose jobs as businesses are liquidated to pay the tax. This harmful economic policy, another class-warfare relic, is estimated to cost between 170,000 and 250,000 new jobs each year. I also read in a newspaper article and it was written that during the coming up holidays that the taxes are not going to raise up so you don’t have to worry about the holiday taxes. My question is do you still think now after my opinion and textual evidence that I gave to you do you still want the government to cut the taxes and pay the debts for years and years or leave as it is and let the government have the taxes now during this emerging crisis but then protest after the financial crisis if the taxes will not be cut.

Name; Filip Bendersky
Class; 703

Dear Filip Bendersky,

I really liked your issue which you commented on. It ‘s one of the things which we forget to think about. We all think about other problems. Adults what to make for dinner, need to help Jonas with homework, wash the dishs, go to work and so on. The kids think what they always did about what new game to phrase or go to the park or did you get the new ipod touch. The Global Warming is the last thing to be brought up. Maybe in school for a project the adults read the newspaper.
This issue conrens the whole world I agree with Filip on that. But the world does not worry an till the changes are seeable like the crisis every was not caring about this problem and now it’s seeable a lot of people seen to care of a sudden. I really liked that you brought up polar bears the ice is melting and the bears want a place to live. If we don’t show action now they will be come extint like fillip said. But my question is how will this issue help decrease and help solve the economic crisis? Because on one side I don’t think it will help solve the econimics crisis and I also think on the other side it can solve the crisis but I am not going to tell how because I want you to think about this Filip but the Gobal Warming is a problem that (we) as in the world must try to stop or make the Gobal Warming appear much slower.

World View of Global Warming; project is documenting this change through science photography from the Arctic to Antarctica, from glaciers to the oceans, across all climate zones. Rapid climate change and its effects is fast becoming one of the prime events of the 21st century. It is real and it is accelerating across the globe. As the effects of this change combine with overpopulation and weather crises, climate disruptions will affect more people than does war.
The 2005 average global temperature equaled (within several hundredths of a degree) the record warm year of 1998, according to meteorologists. 2002-4 and 2006-7 were nearly as warm. The 12 warmest years on record have all occurred since 1990. In response, our planet has been changing with warming winds and rising seas. At the poles and in mountains, ice is under fire and glaciers are receding. Down into the temperate zone, change is rearranging the boundaries of life. The plants and animals with whom we share the planet are adapting and moving -- some even going extinct -- because they have no choice. We six billion humans are being affected, too. Coastal towns are suffering from rising sea level, storms are getting more intense and 35,000 people died in European heat waves in 2003. However, we have choices to make to help correct and ameliorate global warming. This is a story of frightening scale and great urgency that is just beginning to be told.
Climate change in 1999, about when scientists started to realize how great a change in temperatures is taking place in our time. Past earth temperatures left their mark in tree rings, glaciers and ancient lake and ocean sediments, and the record shows slowly decreasing temperatures over the last 2000 years. In that time there have been warm and cool periods, but nothing like the rise in temperatures in the past 150 years and no increase even close to the past 30. This research has created what has become the single most powerful icon of climate change, the so-called "hockey-stick" graph of temperatures. In 2005-6 it was subjected to intense re-analysis. Evidence of previous cool and warm periods has increased, but the rapid and sustained heat gain especially since the 1970s remains unparalleled in recent earth history.

Zhiming said...

This question is to Rubyiath Chy of class 702.

I think printing less money will not help the government in ways. One way is that if there are less money alot of people would not get paid well. If they don't get payed well how would business pay workers. If there is no pay there is no workers there will be no labor or purchases. My question is how would business owners surivive without workers and how will workers survive without pay?

ChunoahSebro said...

I chose to respond to Ian Chwatuk in class 702, in his weblog he stated that in the last 6months the stock market has tumbled and auto industries are about to close up shop if Congress doesn’t bail them out. In the meantime, Congress is stating that they these companies need to present a good proposal as to why the Federal government should loan these industries any money. These Banks and Auto Dealers has made some bad investments in the past years what will prevent them from doing the same things all over again. We know that the most middle class families work within the auto financial industries however, Congress is correct to request a good proposal before handing out any money. I believe this will guaranteed this situation never happening again.

Muhammad Furqan said...

To: Catherine Liang
You wrote that ; If this taxes weren't been used, it will saved a lot of money.
If there weren’t any taxes to give, how will the government pay for loans and other stuff? Also where will it buy its food and many other economical needs? They might lower them but wont take it away.

lamar said...

to leilja:

you think taxes are going to make people quit their will it make them quit their might make people go on strike but its not that bad to make people quit.taxes will only make familys have lower profits.

Jason Kemelman said...

To Victor:If we work on our green cars first, our economy crisis can only get worse. That would make living much harder. We have to work on our economy because if we don't, the economy can only get worse. Did you know that this has been the biggest drop financially and in the banks. I am just saying that we have more important things going on than cars.

Shamala Nelson said...

My Question is to Mr. Jones. Your response was very good but I would just like to ask you if you can give more detail on what made the people lose their jobs. Also how losing their jobs affected the people.