Monday, May 4, 2009

16. Questions for central themes. Due Friday, May 8th

Step 1- Read all the comments from the previous assignment.

Step 2- Choose one comment which is thoughtful.

Step 3-

First, paraphrase the comment you are responding to: For example: “Mr. Baalbaki thinks that…”

Then, write a question about the chosen comment. The question must be: clear, sincere, useful and be the sort of question which leads to more questions. The question you write must complicate the comment’s argument, make the reader of the comment you are questioning think deeper. Stir up some intellectual trouble. Find an example from US history which disproves their theory.


AcarAta said...
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AcarAta said...
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AcarAta said...

how are they disagreeing? because one is saying America is a great place and the other is saying America is like a small dog whenever it wags its tail it knocks something over. So America does good things *sometimes* and is always being covered up by something bad. They cant be disagreeing because they have nothing to disagree about their ideas are basically the same except ones saying whenever America does good it covers it up with something bad and that could be saying a lot of things it could be saying America's great but sometimes does foolish/wrong/or makes bad decisions. I think instead of using those two people i think u should have chose John Adams and Samuel Langhorne as Lamar did because i think they are the ones who are really disagreeing

(plus u wont be using my quote :P)

Steven Domanko said...

Mr. Ali said that "Toynbee means that America is a large friendly dog that knocks down a chair, much like America trying to help people, but ending up hurting itself". I agree with your examples, such as the war of 1812, but I don't think that was what Toynbee meant. When a dog knocks down a chair, it does not hurt itself--as far as we know. Still, the owner becomes displeased, like other people when America tries to do something nice. Mr. Randall's example of the bombing in Japan is a perfect reason to describe what Toynbee meant. I am not trying to assume that your response is a load of poppycock, but I think you should analyze the quote a little bit more.

ChunoahSebro said...

Mr. Manard you seem to state that these to old men are arguing about the way of life but what they really are stating there opinion about how they feel there way of life is the life that everyone else should live the are not arguing they are simply talking conversating over one same subject do you think we would be arguing about something like that.

Anastasiya Biloblotska said...

To; Allan

I really enjoyed reading your cover letter for resume of your portfolio; I bet it will make your portfolio stand out. But I had some comments about your letter. You wrote that; (Samuel Langhorne says that it was great to find America but, he doesn't think we should have had it. John Adams explains that is was such a wonderful way to expand the world by settling in America.) I did not quite clearly understand what you meant by that I felt like you rephrased the quote which Samuel Langhorne said and did not finish explaining John Adams quote you just left it with no middle or end. My question is; What is the conflict between John Adams and Samuel Langhorne was it that they had one idea but then there ideas then slit that one says it would it was better if did we did not find America and you add some reasons and the other had an idea of expanding America. Be clearer on that.

Raymond Jones said...

sorry but Mr.ali

I don't believe that those two authors are disagreeing.One states that america is an wonderful and amazing place while the other compares us to a dog in a small room wagging his tail but every time knocks down a chair.Waht he is trying to say is that we (america) may do bad things and make mistakes but we always make up for or mistakes by doing good things about them.
I beleive that the two that have picked are disagreeing also Lamar makes a very good point with his 2 also.

ChristieFrage said...


This was a very good response and I liked it a lot. I also agree with your statement for #2, we are the geniuses of America. What I want to know is where the details are for #1. Mr. Santayana is saying if we don’t remember the past we will repeat their mistakes. Jefferson is saying he wants to think about the future of America then the history. I didn’t see that in your response. So do you have more examples for #2? If yes what are they.

Allan Randall said...
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Anastasiya Biloblotska said...


Allan what other issues besides exanding America don't Samuel Langhorne and John Adams disagree on.

Allan Randall said...

Mr. Nichlos Maddoloni,
I loved how you have answered your questions for your resume for your portfolio except for one part. In question #2 you say that the quote closest to your belief is "The dreams of the future is better than the past" written by Thomas Jefferson. One of your reasons is that the "I have a dream speech written by Martin Luther King JR., freed all of the slaves" does not fit the quote that you believe in. The speech by Martin Luther King fits your belief, but he never freed the slaves. Can you tell me why this is a significant piece of information to explain your quote?

lejlaneziri said...

My question is for Mr.Alan Randall.
Okay Arnold Toynbee's stays closest to your beliefs, but why? In your writing, you explain things that happened in the past, but you dont explain why that stays closest to your beliefs. We know about the Indian Removal and the other things you stated, but the question was to state why that stayes closest to your beliefs. You do not explain that in your writing.

Hassnan Safdar said...
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Hassnan Safdar said...

My question is to Ali, you are saying the qoute Arnold Joseph wrote is closest to your beliefs. "America is like a small dog whenever it wags its tail it knocks a chair over. You are saying that when America tries to help someone it hurts itself. But doesn't it hurt other people? Like the Native Americans, Jackson helped them by giving new land and moving them but they actually ended up killing them.

Catherine Liang said...

To Filip ;

I like what you have written about Emily Dickinson quote. But I'm not sure if Andrew Jackson have any relation with it.

--- by the way: For is not spelled Four.

Nicholas Maddaloni said...

Lamar thinks that "the central theme of America is that it always
repeats itself". However last year
Barak Obama was elected the first African American man ever to become President of the United States of America. So I ask you,
do you really think that America repeats itself? Unlike you, I truly believe that America writes new chapters instead of repeating old ones.

Anonymous said...

Chunoah Sebro,
I would like to comment on your two sentence first answer. You stated that
Mr. Santayana is saying that we’re going to keep on repeating ourselves over and over but I don’t believe that is what the quote is stating. The quote clearly says that those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. So, this would mean that if you forget what has happened in the past and you don’t get a lesson from it, you would most likely make the mistake over and over again. For example, if you didn’t study at all in the last year and didn’t do any of your works but the teacher, still feels bad for you and passes you only if you learn your lesson, but you forget what has happened and don’t learn anything, and the next year you make the same mistake and up failing. His other points are learning from the past.

I would really suggest Mr. Sebro, that only two sentences isn’t enough for you to explain you answer, and you should really add more. And add what his quote means and different asspects to it. I had a pleasure reading you entry and some of it was actually very sensible. There are many aspects of Santayanas quote you just have to discover them by looking into what the author is saying.

P.S please use "going" instead of, "gona". It really dose make a difference :]

- Ramsha Rana

Muhammad Furqan said...

My Question is to Lamar:
You said that the central theme of America is that America repeats itself and never learns from its mistakes. What other proof do you have to support this quote? Also America ended slavery and there hasn’t been since then. Now we also have an African American President {Barrack Obama}. I think that America tries to learn from its mistakes and sometimes ends up doing it wrong. I suggest that you give at least two more examples. Other than that your log was well written.

Lourdjanie_ Florial said...

My question is for Shamala Nelson
- You state in your blog that America can change the way things are if we are commit what is the first thing you think we should do to first go about this change.I feel like you could have restatedwhat your trying to say in a different way. I felt like you restated the same understanding to use readers over and over again. You could have been more discriptive.
-Thank You for your contribution.

Filip Bendersky said...

to mr. randal

My question to you is you said that Arnalal Toybees quote is closest to your beliefs. But you are not explaining this properly.Why isit closest to your own beliefs. Please explain with great detail.